From Anxiety to Abundance: How Gratitude Transforms Your Mindset
On this week's episode of the Building Championship Mindsets podcast, Dr. Amber Selking discusses the powerful impact of gratitude, drawing insights from both sport psychology and scripture. Practicing gratitude can significantly rewire our brains, enhancing our happiness and fostering positive relationships. By engaging in activities such as journaling about what we are grateful for, we train our minds to focus on the positive aspects of our lives, which can help combat anxiety and improve overall mental health. Listen to discover how integrating gratitude into your daily routine can transform your perspective and performance in both personal and professional settings!
About Building Championship Mindsets
Welcome to “Building Championship Mindsets. | the Podcast!” From the LockerRoom to the BoardRoom, our purpose is to help individuals, teams, and organizations understand and leverage the power of Mindset and Leadership to drive results and achieve sustainable performance excellence.
As a leader in the field of sport and performance psychology, Dr. Amber Selking has been fiercely devoted to optimizing human performance in people and systems throughout her entire career.
Dr. Selking is the founder of Selking Performance Group, a leading performance consulting practice that helps individuals, companies, and sports teams achieve sustainable results. She has served as the Mental Performance Coach for professional & collegiate sport programs across the country including the Denver Broncos, LSU Football, ND Softball, and Notre Dame Football during the winningest five years in program history! She is the Chief Culture & Leadership Development Officer for Lippert, a global, publicly traded manufacturing company whose corporate vision is to change the model of work, demonstrating that business can and should Be a Force for Good in our World. She has also served as an adjunct professor in the Mendoza College of Business at Notre Dame. Dr. Selking holds a Ph.D. in Educational and Counseling Psychology from the University of Missouri, a master’s degree in Sport and Performance Psychology from the University of Denver, and an undergraduate degree in Management Consulting from the University of Notre Dame. At ND, Amber played soccer for the Fighting Irish before an injury ended her career, after which she founded Notre Dame Christian Athletes (NDCA) in the ND Athletic Department. She currently resides in South Bend, Indiana, with her husband, Aaron, daughter Elleeanna Belle, and their Doberman Pinscher, Rockne.
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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Building Championship Mindsets, the podcast.
Dr. Amber Selkin:This is your host, Dr.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Amber Selkin.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Where we are in season 15 entitled Sports Psych in Scripture.
Dr. Amber Selkin:In this season, we are diving in to look at the intersections of where science and faith actually come together and bolster each other in how we understand them.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And again, the purpose of this is to just expand our ways of thinking and understanding.
Dr. Amber Selkin:I know that everyone's on a different season and journey of faith and perhaps you might even be a different religion or no religion at all.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Take heed, this is not going to be overwhelming, but it does pose us a challenge to how can we see that things are often more similar than they are different?
Dr. Amber Selkin:And in something where science and faith are, you know, historically seen as opposites and things that don't connect and maybe even go against each other, as we start to understand and see where they intersect and overlap, we can say, wow, there's actually a lot more in common here than different.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And I think there's a lot of aspects and elements in our world like that today.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And so hopefully this is a challenge for all of us to learn to think differently about things that we might have had a preconception about.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And then if you are a Christian, hopefully this helps you grow in your faith and bolster it with some science to support some of the beliefs that you have.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And if you really like science, maybe this can open your eyes and mind to explore a spiritual side of your life and being.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Because, you know, the field of positive psychology actually shows us that spirituality is a really powerful and important component to living a life of positivity, of happiness, of joy, of hope, of peace.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And so I really hope this challenges us to explore spirituality in a new and creative way as we integrate it into how we operate on a day to day basis.
Dr. Amber Selkin:At the end of the day, that's what the Salking Performance Group is all about, right?
Dr. Amber Selkin:We are here to help individuals, teams and organizations understand and leverage the power of mindset and leadership to drive consistent performance excellence.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And so Our website is and you can find a ton of free resources, but also tap into some of our performance coaches if you are interested in doing one on one performance coaching or interested in a keynote for one of your organizations that you might be leading.
Dr. Amber Selkin:We do a lot of annual sales meetings, kickoff meetings, leadership retreats and get togethers.
Dr. Amber Selkin:So if we can serve you in that capacity, if the topics of mindset or leadership and high performance are things that you're thinking about or would like to bring to your people.
Dr. Amber Selkin:You know one of the things I always say when people are like, oh, so you're like a motivational speaker?
Dr. Amber Selkin:And I'm like, no, that would make me want to stab my eyeballs out.
Dr. Amber Selkin:I teach science.
Dr. Amber Selkin:I just happen to have a lot of energy, so it comes off as motivating.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And one of my intentions with keynotes is not just to inspire your people, but to really allow them to leave with tangible tools that they can apply to their lives, either from a mindset standpoint or a leadership standpoint to, to help them deliver their best when it matters most.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Right.
Dr. Amber Selkin:To deliver quarterly results if that's what you need to deliver greater customer service to manage change better, as maybe your organization is going through a change or you're working on a merger and integration with a new acquisition.
Dr. Amber Selkin:What would that look like again?
Dr. Amber Selkin:How do we show up as individuals better to that collective experience?
Dr. Amber Selkin:That's what these keynotes can hopefully provide to your organization.
Dr. Amber Selkin:So if that's of interest to you, shoot me an email directly.
Dr. Amber and then again, if anyone might interested in joining us as a financial partner to the podcast, we'd love to chat with you about that.
Dr. Amber Selkin:So doctorsalken@selkie so with that, let's dive into this week's topic looking at the sports psych topic of gratitude and the scripture Philippians 4:6.
Dr. Amber Selkin:So we know a lot about gratitude.
Dr. Amber Selkin:There's been a lot of really good research done on it in both sports psychology applications of gratitude with athletes and coaches, but also out of the field of positive psychology.
Dr. Amber Selkin:That's where a lot of the research actually comes from.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And what we know is that gratitude can fundamentally change how your brain is wired.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Increasing elements of happiness, joy and positive relationships by a statistically significant amount.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And so if you've ever heard or read the challenge of like, oh, do a 30 day gratitude journal, I want you to know that this is not just a soft and fluffy make you feel good activity.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Here's why.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Journaling and gratitude over a 30 day span is really powerful.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Because when you start out, you're like, okay, it's day one, what am I grateful for?
Dr. Amber Selkin:And you have this really profound thought.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And then day two, you get something really wonderful.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And then let's say you make it through seven days of every day, you found something that you were really grateful for.
Dr. Amber Selkin:After that you're like, well, I was really grateful for my marriage, I'm really grateful for my neighbors.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And you start to have to look for things that you're grateful for.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And so what does that do?
Dr. Amber Selkin:It sets you on a mission every day, and you have to start to scan your day looking for things that you're going to write down that night that are different than what you've written down the last seven days, 15 days, 20 days, right?
Dr. Amber Selkin:And so you are actually training your brain to think in ways of gratitude, in ways of Thanksgiving.
Dr. Amber Selkin:You're setting an intention early in your day to scan your environment for good things versus bad things, things that you could be grateful for versus things that annoy you.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And what do we know from earlier in the season of this podcast?
Dr. Amber Selkin:Our thoughts are like bicep curls for your brain.
Dr. Amber Selkin:So every time you start looking for something that you might be grateful for later on, when you journal that in your notebook, it's a bicep curl for your brain, and it's starting to rewire your brain and therefore build what repeated thoughts build what Mindsets, Right?
Dr. Amber Selkin:Which is what we learned about earlier in a different episode.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And then as you build mindsets of gratitude, what did we say a mindset is?
Dr. Amber Selkin:It's like an Instagram filter on your brain.
Dr. Amber Selkin:So now you're showing up to your days, to your moments with an Instagram filter of looking for things that you might be grateful for.
Dr. Amber Selkin:A kind cashier that checks you out getting coffee in the morning, or one of the construction guys that happened to wave at you while you were driving by, right?
Dr. Amber Selkin:Instead of just aimlessly flipping on your phone while you're at a complete stop.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Still, of course, in your car, you have your eyes up, you're looking, and you realize, like, oh, that guy just waved me.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Oh, cool, right?
Dr. Amber Selkin:You're grateful for people in that moment, for someone that carries a bag for you.
Dr. Amber Selkin:I was getting out of the car, and I had a ton of stuff the other day, including Eliana in, like, four bags, as you can imagine, of my stuff and her stuff.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And someone was like, hey, let me grab that for you.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And I was like, wow, thank you so much.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Like, I'm so grateful that people are willing to jump in and be helpful to a total stranger.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Like, again, you start to look for that versus, you know, looking at.
Dr. Amber Selkin:I was sweating because I was carrying all this stuff, you know, And.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And so your.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Your Instagram filter starts to change in how you see the world.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And what they found in one of the studies is that actually 30 days of journaling things for which you're grateful can have a lasting impact of up to three months on your mental health.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And general sense of happiness.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And guess how much that costs you?
Dr. Amber Selkin:$0.
Dr. Amber Selkin:That is the other thing I love about sports psychology and human performance is you don't need tools and stuff, you know, like, you know, things that you have to buy to make it work.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And it's not like hockey or football, where you have a lot of equipment that you have to get in order to play the sport.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Winning the Mental Game, which is the title of my book, by the way, you can get it on Amazon or off of our website, but winning the Mental Game, it takes you and you.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And the good news is you wake up with your brain every day, and if you can figure out how to use it and train it, as simple as writing down something that you're grateful for at the end of every day, man, you can have a massive impact in how you show up and experience life around you.
Dr. Amber Selkin:So what does scripture have to say about gratitude?
Dr. Amber Selkin:Well, in Philippians 4, 6, it says, do not be anxious about anything.
Dr. Amber Selkin:But in every situation, by prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving, present your request to God.
Dr. Amber Selkin:All right, let's break that down a little bit.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Do not be anxious about anything.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Okay, let me ask you, when was the last time you were anxious about something?
Dr. Amber Selkin:If you're like me, it could have been 15 minutes ago, right?
Dr. Amber Selkin:Where you're worried about, how's the meeting going to go tomorrow?
Dr. Amber Selkin:Or are things getting in order?
Dr. Amber Selkin:We're leaving for the month to spend the month in Baton Rouge.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And so we leave in four days.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And so thinking about all of the stuff that has to get done, you know, that can start to build anxiety.
Dr. Amber Selkin:So be anxious about.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Do not be anxious about anything.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Okay, how do we do that instead?
Dr. Amber Selkin:In every situation.
Dr. Amber Selkin:So in every situation, that might start to bring on anxiety or stress or, you know, just heightened energy, in all of those situations, go to prayer and petition petitions and ask.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Right with prayer and asking.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Okay, with Thanksgiving, so coming.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Not just asking for stuff, but with a joyful heart.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Right With Thanksgiving.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Man, I am so grateful to have a beautiful little girl and a husband that I get to travel with and have to pack for a full month for.
Dr. Amber Selkin:I'm so thankful for that.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Now, can you please help me find a couple windows that we can get this done and not forget anything present your request to God.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And so it's showing us here that gratitude, Thanksgiving is actually an anecdote to anxiety.
Dr. Amber Selkin:It helps us combat anxious thoughts, anxious feelings.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And so when we do this right, we are thankful.
Dr. Amber Selkin:We let our requests be known.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Well, what starts to happen in our brain, we're going to learn this in a future episode, right?
Dr. Amber Selkin:Is that our brain starts to think more creatively, it starts to problem solve.
Dr. Amber Selkin:It starts to through that Instagram filter on our brain of gratitude and Thanksgiving we can plan a month long trip versus out of stress and frustration.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Also, you know, packing for a month trip in light of having a full time job.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Right?
Dr. Amber Selkin:That's a lot.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And all of us are going through stuff like this on a day by day, moment by moment basis.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Gratitude is an anecdote to help us navigate those things with more peace, with more perspective, with more creativity which ultimately will lead us to higher performance in little things, quote unquote, like having to pack for a trip or big things like having to present a final case in litigation, or having to go through a merger and acquisition, or having to navigate some really challenging health situations with family at home.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Do not be anxious about anything.
Dr. Amber Selkin:But in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Science shows us that gratitude has a big impact in how we see the world and how we show up on a moment by moment basis.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And Scripture certainly supports that as well.
Dr. Amber Selkin:So this week your mindset training is every time you find yourself about to become anxious or anxious about a situation, really really big, important things to really really small things, take a deep breath, say a quick prayer, put it in context of something that you're grateful for and things that you're thankful for in your life and then put your requests out there to God.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Ask him for a different way of thinking, a different way of problem solving, healing.
Dr. Amber Selkin:But come at it through the lens of gratitude and see what impact that makes in your life and in those lives around you.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Thank you so much for tuning in to this week's podcast looking at the intersection of sports psych in scripture that is is gratitude and Philippians 4:6.
Dr. Amber Selkin:I hope you were able to take something away from today and if you were, please share it on social media.
Dr. Amber Selkin:We're on X and Instagram, at Champ Mindsets, on Facebook and LinkedIn at Selfie Performance Group and you can find us on TikTok as well.
Dr. Amber Selkin:But hit us up and let us know how you're applying this to your life because we are on Team Follow back and we'd love to be connected with you.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And then again, if there's any way that we can serve you through one on one performance coaching, through keynote speaking, or through joining us as a financial partner on this podcast, send me an email directly.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Dr.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Selkinelkingperformance and then we've got lots of resources on our website.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Also a link to our book, Winning the Mental Game.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And you can find all of that on our thank you so much for tuning in.
Dr. Amber Selkin:You've been listening to Building Championship Mindsets, the podcast.
Dr. Amber Selkin:This is your host, Dr.
Dr. Amber Selkin:Amber Selkien.
Dr. Amber Selkin:And from the locker room to the boardroom, I just want to challenge you to continue building your championship mindset.